Installation and Dismantling of Scaffoldings
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Scaffoldings are quickly installed and dismantled structures which distinguish themselves by their stability and safety. If a larger area is available on the construction site, we may offer a wider and more reliable scaffolding which will render you more space for safe and effective work. In case the space is limited, compact scaffoldings may be used.
We offer to our clients scaffolding installation and dismantling services for implementation of various types of projects. We also may perform scaffolding installation operations of any complexity level.
Several types of scaffoldings are used in construction sites:
Façade (frame) scaffolding is a quickly erected, safe and reliable structure. This type of scaffolding is installed easily and quickly. The reliable system also secures maximum safety. Installation of this type of scaffolding is especially easy and secures speed of work and safety of staff during installation and use of the structure.
Wedge-type (modular) scaffoldings are designed for indoor and indoor works implementing construction projects of complex structure. Using this type of scaffolding allows reaching the heights where it is complicated to perform operations using façade scaffoldings. Modular scaffolding is perfectly suitable for operations at round objects (reservoirs, towers), industrial objects (various factories), high objects (bridges, viaducts). They are convenient performing masonry works.
The price of installation and dismantling of scaffoldings depends on complexity of object construction and altitude. Competent experts of the company prepare scaffolding installation schemes and instructions on safety issues.
Highly qualified experts of our company are always ready to adapt their know-how in the field of constructions according to client needs. We guarantee high quality of our works, as well as speed and safety.
Some examples of the scaffoldings installed by us are provided below: